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Jul 27, 2023
Discourse Docker Install

The default of the current supported LTS release of Ubuntu Server works fine. At minimum, a 64-bit Linux OS with a modern kernel version is required. The default of 1 GB RAM works fine for small Discourse communities. We recommend 2 GB RAM for larger communities. The default of New York is a good choice for most US and European audiences. Or select a region that is geographically closer to your audience. Enter your domain as the Droplet name

Jul 27, 2023
树莓派 5 代 - 全球流行的 Linux 小型迷你卡片式电脑

树莓派 5 代 - 全球流行的 Linux 小型迷你卡片式电脑,性能大幅飙升!(支持4K / USB3.0)

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